Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh My Aching Back - critical Oils Can Help

Oh My Aching Back - critical Oils Can Help

Backaches seem to be a coarse complaint in humans but critical oils can without fail be a "rescue team." Part of the question is the fact that we walk upright on two legs and not four. If you look at the building of the spine, a number of weak areas come to be quite apparent. We have some curves which can go out of alignment producing a weak back and pain. Nerves can be pinched or irritated, mobility can be hampered, ligaments, tendons and muscles can be stretched or strained, or naturally parts can degenerate with ensuing inflammation and pain. According to some estimates, practically 80 percent of Americans will taste low back pain at least once in their lifetime. A small number will design lasting or degenerative spinal disorders which can be disabling.

How Does Western treatment Treat Acute and lasting Backaches?

You already know the drill-rest, application of heat or cold depending on whether there is inflammation, pain killers, muscle relaxers and rest and more rest before bodily therapy, stretching exercises, and losing weight. When all else fails sometimes surgical operation is the only answer.

Is There a Natural Way to Get Back on Your Feet Faster or preclude a puny Backache from Turning into A lasting Backache?

Essential oils are nature's medicines. Many oils can serve to detoxify, relax, and decrease swelling in muscle tissue. A muscle responds to pain with a reflex contraction. This causes blood flow to the area to be impeded. Less oxygen and glucose and the decrease in circulation means that dismissal of toxins and waste products is slowed down. Inflammation, muscular soreness and pain are the results.

Essential oils can aid lasting pain sufferers by increasing levels of endorphins and enkephalins through stimulating the pituitary and thalamus in the brain. Some critical oils are known to be "euphoric" or "aphrodisiac" and can furnish a feeling of well-being. Try clary sage, jasmine, patchouli and ylang ylang which stimulate the pituitary to secrete the neurochemical endorphins or use clary sage, jasmine, grapefruit or rose which stimulate the thalamus to furnish enkephalins. These of course are the "feel good hormones" that our body naturally produces.

Topically you could apply oils like basil, marjoram, lavender, specifically for muscles. Others might be nutmeg, black pepper, spruce, Roman Chamomile, wintergreen, rosemary or peppermint. Balsam fir, elemi and Palo Santo are highly anti-inflammatory oils. For sciatica you could try oils like helichrysum, peppermint, nutmeg, thyme, spruce, wintergreen, basil, rosemary, clove or tarragon. I would dilute these oils 50-50 and apply 6-10 drops on location as needed for relief of pain and inflammation. You may find that these oils will get you back on your feet quicker and with less drugs in your system. Medical a natural way is far best than putting chemicals in your body which can have side effects.


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